Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Silent Majority Group

This group is founded to promote conservatism and conservative principles and ideals. Conservative contributors are welcome to this group. This group was originally founded on a real estate networking site in a special interest group section.
Due to censorship of conservative ideas, the group has relocated. I will be gradually adding my content from previous posts to this site. Conservative contributors are welcome. Prior members are welcome to post past or current posts.


Unknown said...

Welcome invited contributors. Although, I have been on blogger for over a year, I consider myself inexperienced at this. All suggestions are welcome. We can learn together. Thanks for your contribution posts to Silent Majority and I look forward to sharing a guest invite with you on Hannity and Colmes someday. LOL.

Ted Baker said...

Congratulations, Bill on your new venue. I look forward to participating.

Unknown said...


Welcome aboard as an author and administrator. I always enjoy your posts and I look forward to your contributing posts.