Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Candidates missing the Point

< sigh > Some days it just doesn’t help to get up and read the news.  We are now focusing on two candidates for President who will officially become the nominees of their party at the end of the summer and will campaign for the oval office in the fall.

Today it appears that neither candidate gets it.  Newt Gingrich gets it (no surprise there) with his  Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less initiative. 

Senator Obama continues to call for windfall profits taxes against oil companies – now there is an incentive to explore for more energy – while the Democrats push for cap & trade policies (voted down in the Senate last week, I understand).

Where is John McCain ? He supported cap & trade and still opposes exploration in ANWR.  Wake up. John ! There is political opportunity here.  Polls show the public doesn’t blame the oil companies any more – you are out in the open and exposed, along with the rest of Washington.  You are part of the solution or you are part of the problem.   

Senator Obama is openly planning to increase every tax in sight to pay for his social programs.  Our economy is in trouble and he wants to INCREASE taxes ? Now there is a winning message. 

But where is Senator McCain.  He is moving forward with a pro-growth plan with corporate tax reductions but the voters are worried about gas prices NOW – even more than sub-prime lending problems and foreclosures.  Senator McCain has an opportunity here to push for changes in energy policies as well as tax cuts.  The result can be more jobs, higher wages, lower gas prices and a Republican in the White House. 

Senator McCain must re-evaluate his views on global warming and avoid policies that will cost billions of dollars with no beneficial impact.  He needs to focus on the economic concerns of the individual voters and step forward now with effective solutions that utilize our national resources in the area of energy. 

Click < here > for Lawrence Kudlow’s excellent article this morning.

Communicate your thoughts to Senator McCain.  There is an opportunity for political capital, a real solution to pressing economic problems and the right guy in the White House.  But Senator McCain need to get off his gas.


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