Monday, June 2, 2008

Citizen Simon

I had the pleasure of visiting Simon in his natural habitat this weekend for a small gathering of family and friends as the official celebration of Simon Conway - now officially US Citizen Extraordinaire.

Congratulations, Simon !

I have commented on several occasions that new citizens like Simon and Jon Zolsky of Daytona Beach seem to have a much more defined understanding of the greatness of the United States of America than most of us who have lived here all our lives. We can all learn from them.

Had a little trouble finding the house – they all looked like this:

To honor Simon and his family, the familiar Ray Charles version of America the Beautiful.

Mu source:

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Thanks for posting on Citizen Simon. I phoned him Saturday after the party and he was on top of the world. I'm sorry I missed the party and also his speech. Simon Conway, A True American!

Nobody does America The Beautiful quite like Ray Charles. I'll take his singing of it over anyone's.