Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Blogger Tortured In Egypt For His Blogging Comments

Censorship is a growing concern. In Egypt a blogger was recently tortured for weeks. "We were subjected to electric shocks, to beatings and there was no food and or drink for the first few days," blogger Karim el-Beheiri told AFP a day after his release. "We went through weeks of torture and humiliation." Across the world, bloggers are being punished for giving their opinions when their opinions are contrary to those of the powers that be. Where are we headed in America.

If the Marxist Democratic party gains control of the whitehouse and has a commanding majority of Congress, expect censorship like you have never seen in your lifetime. That is of course if you have spent your life in the U.S. The Democrats are for free speech as long as what is said is in line with their ideas. If not, then the Democrats are pro-censorship.

Could it really get as bad as Egypt in the U.S.? During the collapse of a Democracy, people give up their rights slowly and gradually over time until eventually they have no rights.

As I read the article about the Egyptian bloggers, part of me was appalled, and part of me was reading with a bit of disconnect as Egypt is a far away place. Then I snapped back to reality. We are all in this together. Our freedom of speech is under attack in the United States of America. Have you heard of the Fairness Doctrine?

[Source Link]


Ted Baker said...

don't let Jonathan see this

Unknown said...


I was thinking the same thing.