Sunday, June 1, 2008

Obama Quits Trinity United Church_Forget the Past 20 Years

After the most recent episode from Trinity United Church of Christ, B. Hussein Obama has announced that he has resigned his membership in the church after being a member for more than twenty years. Now he expects voters to forget that he sat in a pew of this church week after week and listened to views of anti-American and racial hatred from the now retired Reverend Jeremiah Wright and other speakers.

In a news conference held after Obama released his letter of resignation which he sent to the church on Friday, Obama said, "This is not a decision I come to lightly ... and it is one I make with some sadness," He went on and said, "I'm not denouncing the church and I'm not interested in people who want me to denounce the church," then he added that the new pastor at Trinity United Church of Christ "and the church have been suffering from the attention my campaign has focused on them."

Okay. Never mind. No problem. Relationships really don't matter. Even though you were tight with the Reverend Wright for decades, no problem. Not denouncing the church with black separatist views. That's no problem either. The Obama lemmings were going to vote for him anyway. With over 90% of the black vote in the bag for Obama, this statement was a calculated effort to sway the undecided voters possibly for the general election.

[Source Link]

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