Friday, June 6, 2008

People Who May Complicate B. Hussein Obama's Campaign

As written on the AP wire Thursday, by Christopher Wills. Wills writes about the Barack Obama's relationships with unsavory characters and suggests that these relationships might "complicate" his campaign. I think his use of the word "complicate" was a little tongue in cheek.

Tony Rezko, William Ayers, Jeremiah Wright, Michael Pfleger, Michelle Obama (Obama's wife), Emil Jones, and Rashid Khalidi.

[Source Link To AP Article]

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Video 2

Video 3

Video 4

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Video 6

Video 7


Katlyn57 said...

Good to see you back to writing, Bill.
YOU should get a "side job" as a political commentator. YOU are great at it. Also, all true about the presidential candidate our poor Democrat friends are stuck with!

Anonymous said...

Great to see you up and running, blog spot is lucky to have you. Gotta love it.. Well, guess I can get new posts from here.
Here's to your success.

Unknown said...


Thanks for dropping by. You're too kind. Yes, the Dems have made their bed.

I hope we all don't get stuck with Obama.

Unknown said...


Thanks for stopping in. Go for it. I will have lots of great conservative info to choose from.