Thursday, August 7, 2008

Congress is the Republicans Best Friend

The disconnect between the Congress and the American People, resulting in the lowest approval ratings in memory, continues to be the best hope of the Republican Party.

The issue of rising gas prices has been a gift for John McCain and the Congressional candidates of the Republican party – if we have the good sense to use it. The response of the loony left has been to show their true agenda. They want higher gas prices (and higher gas taxes) to force their social engineering agenda upon the nation. They seek to force manufacture of smaller cars and use of alternative fuels to eliminate petroleum and its perceived greenhouse gas effects and don’t mind if everybody else but them has to tighten their belts and inflate their tires.

The Republicans seek to lessen our dependence on foreign oil by increasing our domestic production, increased use of alternative technologies and energy sources and deploying nuclear power plants. None of these approaches can proceed without legislation and leadership and the liberals are willing to block both.

Now another issue may provide an additional boost to Republican candidates. With the slowing of the economy, the unemployment rate is on the rise – but the Democrats are pushing legislation which favors foreign workers and increases pressure on domestic American jobseekers. The House has passed a bill seeking to recover unissued work visas from past years and increase the pool of available visas to be issued to immigrants in the coming year. Efforts are underway in the Senate to fail to renew the mechanism which enables employers to check on the immigration status of job applicants – making it easier for illegal aliens to take jobs which may be desired by American workers. Read details in an Ira Mehlman article at <link here>.

John McCain must react decisively to these opportunities to establish a clear division between the Liberal and Conservative positions. McCain has responded to oil exploration with half measures (drill in OCS but not ANWR for example). Candidate McCain must decide whose side he is on and get out in front on these issues. We have a limited time to take advantage of these issues. Even a liberal can read the polling and they will change their ridiculous positions in order to win in November - then they will proceed on their agenda. August is prime time to speak to the American Public and show them the way.

The Republican party has been the party of ideas and solutions for generations – why do we now look like Bill Clinton caught in the headlights. Come on John – Advantage Republican – your serve.

President Bush is not the issue – the economy, immigration and national security are the issues – and the Republicans have the right answers if we will speak with one voice from John McCain to every Congressional candidate.


1 comment:

Unknown said...


Well said. McCain needs to address the issue but thread this needle ever so carefully. McCain has an upperhand against Obama with the Hispanic vote. In addressing this issue, he needs to make it clear that while not supporting ILLEGAL immigrants, he fully supports the immigrants who are here. I think he can drive this message home without losing the Hispanic vote.