Friday, August 22, 2008

The Next President Of The United States?

Now the liberal media would like us all to believe that B. Hussein Obama will be the next president of the United States of America. With the recent surge in the polls for John McCain, the liberal media are whining and pulling their hair in frustration as to why their boy, Obama is not doing better in the polls. Maybe if they stop looking through their biased looking glasses and view him for what he really is. Obama cannot talk intelligently without a teleprompter. At Saddleback church last Saturday, Obama's stuttering and stammering was very apparent. Of course, no teleprompter was present. Boy Obama can't form an intelligent thought without a teleprompter. This is the same guy the liberal media wants to sit down with the foreign heads of state? Check out this clip of Boy Obama from a town meeting during the primaries in Bristol, VA

OBAMA IS AN IDIOT AND HERE IS A VIDEO TO PROVE IT (Click the link below for video)

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