Sunday, August 9, 2009

Freedom Of Speech Is Under Attack In America Pt1

Freedom of speech has been under attack in America for some time. It seems that liberal speech is okay but conservative speech is not okay. There is no bigger glaring example of this than the health care issue, however conservatives are being shut down at every turn when it comes to free speech.

Alex Jones, has been very vocal against Obama's plans. Alex Jones is has been very vocal in the past against George Bush too, so his opinions are not partisan. Alex Jones has had his web sites taken down, he has had his radio station shut down, he has been physically assaulted, threatened and harassed all because his views oppose Obama. I think in the digital world we are in with the internet, an argument can be made that not only freedom of speech rights have been trampled upon but also freedom of the press has been trampled upon.

This short 9 minute video will be Part 1 of a series about how Freedom of Speech is under assault in America. The series will continue to run until it is shut down. The series is being distributed in an effort to wake up Americans.

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