Sunday, June 29, 2008

Drill Here, Drill Now, Pay Less

As is frequently the case, I marvel at the simplicity and elegance of Newt Gingrich’s positions.  If common sense had anything to do with being President of the United States, Newt would be the guy.  But it does not seem to be a factor, so we have other choices.

The response to calls for exploration of our own oil resources by Senator Obama and the left is astounding to me.  “We can’t drill our way out of our energy problem” – the American resources would be inconsequential – it would take too long.  Horsepuckey !

I do not suggest that drilling a new well is the only step necessary to solve the problem.  I have supported nuclear power for decades and have lived in the shadow of nuclear plants in Minnesota and South Florida for years.  I favor development of alternative energy sources, particularly new vehicle technologies.

But the first and most important step is to be sure that we send the message to the oil markets that America is in the game and will utilize its own resources to partially fill our own demand for product. 

Senator McCain, who has responded with his customary partial step needs to rethink his position on ANWR.  It is NOT the case that protecting ANWR wildlife precludes energy exploration.  ANWR is the size of Great Britain to include Scotland and Wales.  The proposed drilling areas would impact an area the size of the Dallas/Ft Worth airport.  Do not let political rhetoric get in the way of common sense.

Paul Driessen, writing for, has an excellent article yesterday which points out the President Clinton vetoed legislation authorizing drilling in ANWR (Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) in 1995.  Paul’s statistics on production potential do not agree with the left’s claims that ANWR potential would be inconsequential to the problem.  And he reminds us that utilizing our own resources has other favorable impacts on our economy in terms of wages, taxes and individual and corporate spending in the economy.  < link to Paul’s Article >

I am not recklessly disregarding environmental concerns – but I have a slightly different set of priorities from Senator Obama.  We have an energy problem and we have an economic problem – both of which require immediate and bold actions by our government.  First, legal impediments to resource exploration within our own country and our coastal areas must be removed.  Second, restrictions on environmental law suits must be placed so that this exploration which is in the national interest can move forward as quickly as possible. 

Polling data is suggesting that Americans no longer believe that the oil crisis is cause by the oil companies as suggested by the left.  Americans are realizing that the blame belongs where it usually belongs – with the politicians and the lawyers. 

Wake up America !  and take what you know to be true to the voting both with you in less than 130 days.  If your Senator or Representative doesn’t know where we are and what needs to be done to solve our problems – then find someone else to vote for. 


Anonymous said...

I don't think the average American has even looked at what and where the ANWR is! I have friends that are in the oil/gas industry that have had FIRST HAND knowledge of exactly where the drilling rig(s) will be OR the size of the area. I have pictures that they have sent to me of Summer & Winter pictures and the wildlife do NOT have a problem with any of the equipment.
The Alaskan pipline that has been around for YEARS has become a part of the country and has even become a travel access for some bears(I have a picture of this one).

I live in the North Texas in the big middle of the Barnett Shale (recently natural gas finds) and the pipelines that are going across the LBJ National Grasslands. YES, it was fought tooth & nail by some locals, but great care is being taken NOT to mess up the natural settings any more than is absolutely necessary. In those areas that the biggest mess is being made, the gas company is going back in and taking care of it by replanting natural grasses.
I think I am going to do a post on here and show some of the pictures I received from one friend who has been up to the Alaskan area just to show all what we (country) are looking at.
Thanks for the Post Tim.
Kathy Fisher, Wise County, TEXAS

Unknown said...

Good Post.
Newt has it right. I think Newt's Drill here Drill Now campaign is working. Public opinion is beginning to favor drilling. Now then, Barack will have to decide on whether to waffle or get painted into a corner with his stance against oil drilling.