Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Gore Endorses Obama

Al Gore endorsed Barack Obama in Detroit, Michigan on Monday night. He took the opportunity to bash Bush. He said, "After eight years of incompetence, neglect and failure, we need change," Gore said. "After eight years when our Constitution has been dishonored and disrespected, we need changes."

Barack Obama responded with "I'm grateful Al Gore came to Detroit tonight," Obama said. "But I'm ever more grateful for everything he's done in the last 40 years for this country."

Gore is known for inventing man made global warming and inventing the internet. It was very curious to see that Obama picked Detroit for the Al Gore endorsement. Many of the auto workers who have been laid off might feel at least part of the blame for their demise would go to Al Gore with his global warming campaign that has helped raise the price of gasoline, corn, beef and has spurred inflation in many sectors.

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