Thursday, June 19, 2008

Michelle Obama's Spin on Being Proud For The First Time

Barack Obama's campaign has reached a Clintonian low. Remember Billy staring into the camera and spitting out words like, "I depends on what the definition of the word "is" is. It's funny, no one pulled off the spin as good as the spin meister Bill Clinton. After all, he got elected for his first term of office after admitting that he smoked pot but didn't inhale. What? He almost had my vote until he said that. I didn't want a president who was so stupid he didn't know you had to inhale a joint to get high.

Now we have the Obama spinsters. It took them a while to come up with a spin. Finally they did. Remember on February 18th when Michelle Obama said in Madison,Wisconsin "For the first time in my adult life, I am really proud of my country"? Well, she came up with the spin. She focuses on the word "really" and parses the sentence to de-emphasize "for the first time" and "proud of my country." The only problem with this spin tactic is, earlier on the same day in Milwaukee,Wisconsin she made the proud statement without the word, "really."

Does she really think the Obamanites are that gullible? Yep. She sure does.

Videos of the 2 Speech clips

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