Saturday, June 21, 2008

McCain Bends The Ear of The President

On Wednesday Bush spoke to Congress and supported more drilling off the coast and included A.N.W.R. which McCain has not supported yet.

On Monday, Presidential hopeful, senator John McCain Monday called for an end to the federal ban on offshore drilling for oil. McCain said, "We must embark on a national mission to eliminate our dependence on foreign oil." Interesting to note that McCain did not go as far to support drilling in Anwar.

WASHINGTON - With gasoline topping $4 a gallon, President Bush urged Congress on Wednesday to lift its long-standing ban on offshore oil and gas drilling, saying the United States needs to increase its energy production. Democrats quickly rejected the idea.

"There is no excuse for delay," the Bush proclaimed in the Rose Garden on Wednesday. Bush took the opportunity to criticize the Democrats for the increasing cost of fuel due to their blocking of drilling off shore and in other places. He went on to say,
"Families across the country are looking to Washington for a response,[to the increasing fuel cost]"

Speaker of the House, Nasty Pelosi went into attack mode and framed Bush's proposals as "another page from (an) policy that was literally written by the oil industry - give away more public resources."

Senator and presidential candidate B.Hussein Obama also criticized Bush's proposal of lifting the ban on offshore drilling.

Bush said Congress was obstructing progress — and directly contributing to consumers' pain at the pump. "I know the Democratic leaders have opposed some of these policies in the past," Bush said. "Now that their opposition has helped drive gas prices to record levels, I ask them to reconsider their positions."

Did McCain bend the President's ear? It certainly looks like it. Bush took McCain's suggestions to heart and is proposing them to Congress and then some. Bush is continuing to be a very active president with less than seven months remaining in his presidency.

[Source Link Article regarding Bush To Congress]

[Source link and article regarding McCain speech]

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