Monday, June 9, 2008

The way we Were (told by the media of today)

Much of the controversy about the War on Terror in Iraq has been fueled by news coverage that has seemed to this observer to be biased and agenda-driven.  A steady drumbeat of casualty reports has obscured events which have occurred that need to be a part of the debate.  While every American casualty is important and serious, the objective for which they died and the progress toward that objective should also be part of the story. 

Before we make political decisions for the future – or in this case, before we elect the President and the Congress that will make those political decisions, we must all try to discover the facts of what has happened and evaluate the progress without the “get Bush” mentality that the Democrats seem to thrive on.  There is valid criticism of what has transpired in Iraq – but there is also success and progress that has not been talked about or reported. 

A group called the Combat Report has prepared a humorous (and disheartening) video of news coverage of the Normandy invasion more than 60 years ago as it would be reported by todays agenda-driven media.  The first segment of the clip is a spoof of D-Day coverage – had it been produced in today’s media environment, the end of the clip shows the true facts of what happened. 

Remember this clip when you watch the evening news for coverage of today’s conflicts.  (clip is 7:30 min long)

My source:


1 comment:

Unknown said...


Good clip. They are right. If D Day happened today, the reporting would be as such and more than likely worse.