Saturday, July 26, 2008

Barack Obama: The Child - The Messiah - The Obamessiah

I was talking with my good friend today, Georgia Emmett in Pensacola today and she missed the article by Gerard Baker and his reading of it on Hannity and Colmes Friday night. (I guess Georgia has a life). Georgia and the rest of the millions who read this blog, (ehum), if you haven't seen it yet, here it is. If you missed it, on Friday July 25, 2008, there was an article written by Gerard Baker of the London Times regarding Obama. Gerard appeared on Hannity and Colmes and read his satirical article and Fox news made a video/slide show.

Gerard Baker wrote the article and although I haven't heard him comment about his article, I think his article says it all. The Obamanites are so in love with this guy, it's pathetic. They act as it he is the Messiah. I certainly hope there are not enough idiots in this country to get this marxist elected. Thank you Gerard for putting it out there and thank you Sean Hannity for inviting Gerard onto your show to read his article.

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