Friday, July 25, 2008

"This Is Our Moment. This Is Our Time" For Plagiarism

The Democratic Nominee for President of the United States has been praised by the liberal media for his delivery of speeches. In his nomination acceptance speech earlier this year, he uttered the phrase, "The is our moment. This is our time." The media gushed and felt warm and fuzzy and looked upon Obama as the great orator of words of inspiration. Of course, Obama did not credit the musician, Bono of the group U2 for first uttering the phrase in 2005 in a concert in London.

The news media presumably researches news before it reports, however once again Obama was given a free pass. Now, since Obama was given the free pass earlier, he decided to do it again with his teleprompter speech in Berlin. The same phrase, "This is our moment. This is our time." Once again, the news media gushed and swooned and not one news outlet called him on it. Of course not, that would be responsible reporting.

Obama has been reported on in the liberal news media as being intelligent and a great communicator and heralded for his delivery in speeches. If he is so intelligent, why can't he form a paragraph when he is speaking in public without stuttering or saying "uh" or "um?" And if he is so brilliant, why would he deliver a plagiarized speech?

2005 Video of Bono. He says the phrase in the first 30 seconds.

Video of Barack Obama acceptance speech (At about 1:50 mins. into video)

Video of Barack Obama on recent Berlin speech.

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