Thursday, July 3, 2008

Harry Reid Speaks For Obama's Oil Plan

Did you hear Harry Reid's statement about oil this week? The liberal elite will stop at nothing to get their agenda through. This is not an attack on oil companies. This is an attack on capitalism. Harry Reid says, oil makes us sick. Well, guess what Harry? You liberal elites make me sick.

video of Harry Reid


Alexander Harb PSEM®, E-Agent® said...


I just found you at MyBloglog..... I am SO sorry about what happened to you in ActiveRain.... If you had flagged the crappy comments everyone had made to you BEFORE they got to erase them, I am SURE things would have turned out differently...

I investigated everything after the fact and heard from Hugh, Nick, Mary and others what those who set you up did to you... Again, I am so sorry ....

I said what I said in posts dealing with what happened because I did not know the facts about everything.... I hope you can forgive me...

Alex Harb

Unknown said...


Thanks for your apology and your request for my forgiveness. Your request for forgiveness is uneccesary. I forgave you a long time ago. Although, it was painful to see your earlier comments, I knew your comments were stated out of ignorance of the facts.

Thank you for your perserverance in search for the facts.

As to your suggestion that I should have flagged other's comments, I frequently debated with liberals and as such they quickly ran out of facts to support their left winged ideas. When this happened, they often would go on offense and attack personally.

If I flagged every instance a liberal personally attacked me on the left leaning, online community you are referring to, I could have quickly adopted the nickname "Flag man." It would not have mattered anyway. The groups where this took place were being heavily watched at the time by Bob Stewart and Rich Jacobson. They saw every comment and chose to ignore comments which were personal attacks by liberals against conservatives.

Again, thanks and I wish you all the best.
