Friday, September 5, 2008

Newt Gingrich on Sarah Palin and Barack Obama

Newt Gingrich was interviewed this week at the Republican National Convention by an MSNBC reporter. During his interview, while giving acalades to Sarah Palin, the MSNBC reporter in their usual biased way proclaimed, "But to be fair, her resume is not something we're familiar seeing with presidential candidates." What a dig. Listen up. Newt's answer was great, unscripted, unrehearsed and unteleprompted. He literally leaves the reporter speechless and the reporter would not answer his question.

Click the video link below.

1 comment:

Katlyn57 said...

I LOVED IT!!! Newt blasted him real quick without even blinking an eye. I just don't understand WHY the reporter didn't have an example to give Newt! He made some comment about he wasn't going to argue the point with Newt. Newt wasn't wanting to argue, HE JUST WANTED HIM TO GIVE AN EXAMPLE!! Could it have been because the reporter couldn't think of one either????