Wednesday, February 4, 2009

It's The Economy Stupid!

Where is our common sense? Have we forgotten basic Econ 101? Are we the American people really this stupid or are we just apathetic? I thought we had it figured out. Aren't the Federal Reserve, Congress and the Administration supposed to have our best economic interests at heart? Obviously, political interests and special interests have won the day over the interests of the American people when it comes to the economy. What is occurring now will damn our nation for generations to come.

If you assembled 100 of the best economists in a room, they all would agree on one thing. You can't continue to print money at this pace America is printing money and not collapse the economy.

We are in for the worst economic collapse in our history. No. This is not dooom and gloom. This is mathematics. A nation cannot continue to print money at this pace without suffering severe consequences.

Glenn Beck, recently broke it down with a simple and easy to follow illustration. I have posted it in this post. Please, feel free to distribute liberally. This train must be stopped.

Glenn Beck Video Below

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