Monday, September 8, 2008

Obama Slips and Says, "My Muslim Faiith"

Barack Hussein Obama slipped up while talking with George Stephanopolis on Sunday. He said, "...My Muslim Faith." Of course, Obama did not have a teleprompter and as we know, without a teleprompter, Obama gets tripped up. You see, if Obama always told the truth and spoke from his heart, he wouldn't need the teleprompter to keep his lies straight.

What is more telling in the interview with Stephanopolis how George was so quick to jump in and cover for him. Stephanopolis is a die hard Democrat and worked in Bill Clinton's administration and now he is trying to masquerade as an objective news show host on the ABC show, "This Week."

Click below for video

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This isn't a slip of the tongue, it's Obama speaking the truth (for once). How can anyone "accidentally" incorrectly say what faith they are? That would be like him saying he was Canadian by mistake. When will people realize that he's nothing more than an empty suit who is very dangerous because he doesn't realize his own ignorance.